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House Competitions Term 2.1

Posted on: 14/02/2025

House Basketball Our sporting events this half term was the House Basketball competition, this occurred over a range of dates this half term from Year 7 through to Year 11. These were attended very well, and some fantastic, friendly competition was seen throughout the year groups and was brilliant to see the Year 11 students attend and demonstrate so high quality skills and play that they taught the other students. At the end of the tournament the winners were…

Year 7 Octavius

Year 8 Nashwan

Year 9/10/11 Octavius

House Public Speaking

This academic year Blenheim has continued its commitment to help develop and improve students’ Culture Capital. This is all about teaching students the knowledge and behaviours that will help them develop into successful people. The House Public Speaking competition allowed students to develop and showcase important qualities such as maintaining eye contact, speaking in full sentences, articulating thoughts and projecting their voices. Students were given several areas of discussion to talk about. Many discussions took place about a range of topics ranging from should we ban cloning to should nuclear power be banned? Tulyar emerged the victors and contributed 20 points towards their overall score.

House Creative Drawing Blenheim Chronicles

The last event that ran this half term was the House creative drawing competition. Students were tasked with creating a front cover for the next edition of the Blenheim Chronicles. Students had to base their design on a certain type of theme, this being Healthy Lifestyle. Several excellent drawings were submitted, with Miss Ferguson and Miss McGrory having a difficult time trying to decide on a Winner. In the end a student from Sinndar, Maia, was declared the winner. Well done to Sinndar who contributed 20 points to their overall score.


As shown below, at the halfway point of the academic year only 17 house points separates the 4houses! I have been impressed in the way that all the students have competed against each other throughout this half term. All the events this half term have been a huge hit and the participation rate from students has never been higher. Next half term’s House Events will feature House Dodgeball, House Music and House Socrative Quiz, World Book Day addition. As usual on the first Tuesday back after each half term there is a virtual House assembly for all students. 

House standings





Silver School Mental Health Award