Life after the Sixth Form
Life after the Sixth Form
We are proud of the varied routes that our students take after they have finished their time with us here at Blenheim Sixth Form and have a team of experts who are able to guide and assist our students in making their decisions.
At Blenheim, we work tirelessly to support our students particularly at the very important transition times in Years 11 and 13. A comprehensive careers education programme is delivered to all students from Yr 7 to Yr 13. In addition, students and parents have access to quality impartial careers information, advice and guidance. Our aim is to ensure that each student achieves the best they can and moves on to the most appropriate progression pathway. We promote aspiration and the value of continuing in education or training. We have a partnership with SCC/U-Explore to provide additional targeted support for selected students.
Below are details of the many events which take place annually to assist students make good future choices;
- Parents Information Evenings at the start of Year 10, 11 and 12
- Whole Year 11 Assemblies covering the various option pathways
- Year 12 Future Choices Day
- Careers Adviser attends all Parents Evenings and Progression Events
- Year 12 Higher Education Evening
- UCAS Convention
- Surrey Opportunities Fair
- Circulation of all FE College Open Days/Apprenticeship Events
- Employer led activities
- Collaborative careers events with network schools
- Careers support on exam results days
- Individual careers appointments, help with applications and CVs
- Personalised support for SEND and High Performer students and parents
- Options Evenings
- STEM events across the years
- Widening participation events run by Surrey University
- Speakers for schools inputs
* The proportion of 16 -24 year olds not in education, employment or training (NEET) in March 2016 was 11.7% nationally.
Our Sixth Form Team
Our Head of Sixth Form and Deputy Heads of Sixth Form along with our Careers Education Adviser, between them, have many years of experience and are all an excellent starting point when making a decision about which step to take next. They are able to guide students based on them as an individual and ensure that the student is making the right decision for them as a person - both academically and personally.
Our A level results day often doesn't pan out as some students hope but our team are on hand to guide students through the UCAS clearing process and also seek out alternative courses, placements, apprenticeships and job roles.