Ofsted Information
Inspectors visited Blenheim High School on the 12th and 13th November 2024.
A link to the full report can be found below.
From September 2024 Ofsted made several changes to the inspection framework. Part of these changes involved the removal of an overall effectiveness grade with a greater focus being placed on identifying school’s strengths and development areas.
In 2019, when Blenheim was last inspected, the following development areas were identified. Increase the proportion of outstanding teaching to raise the attainment and progress of all pupils by ensuring that:
- literacy and numeracy are supported across all subjects with a focus on pupils’ presentation and subject-specific vocabulary
- the needs of all groups of pupils are fully met in lessons in order to eliminate any gaps in pupils’ performance
- school development planning gives priority to raising the quality of teaching and learning
- the very best practice across the school is identified and shared
Following the 2024 inspection, no academic development areas have been identified. This is a significant achievement and is testament to Blenheim staff who have worked consistently and meticulously to establish high levels of quality across the curriculum, pastoral and extra-curricular functions of the school.
Whilst this latest Ofsted report lacks an overall effectiveness grade it is worth noting that it contains several features which would historically have been associated with an Outstanding judgement including:
- The absence of any academic development areas.
- The recognition of students’ strong achievements both in school and in public examinations.
- The excellent levels of student conduct at all times both inside and outside of lessons.
- Teachers’ careful consideration of how students build up knowledge and skills over time.
- Teachers’ strong subject knowledge.
- Students producing work of a high standard, including disadvantaged students and those with SEND.
- Behaviour and attendance being described as strengths.
- Students in Year 11 and 13 benefitting from the extended day through additional instruction and guided practice.
- The ‘impressive’ range of extra- curricular activities.