Praise is important at Blenheim. Students hard work both academically and in co-curricular activities is acknowledged in a number of ways. The main ones are listed below.
Postcards Home
Each half term, teachers write postcards for those students who have impressed. These are posted home which gives students a sense of pride in their achievements.
Phone calls/emails home
Sometimes a teacher may call/email.
Rewards Assemblies
These take place at the end of each term and are a celebration of students’ achievement throughout the term. Awards and prizes are presented for a number of achievements including punctuality, attendance and Attitude to Learning as well as outstanding progress or effort in individual subjects. The vast majority of prizes are available for all students to win, irrespective of academic ability.
Sports Rewards
The Sports Colours Reward system is managed by the PE department. Students have to commit to at least 25 extra-curricular sessions within a year to be eligible for a Sports Colours Award. Students can achieve this in one sport or across many different activities. Additionally, the sports colours system recognises consistent commitment by students throughout their time at Blenheim and the level of reward increases each year that a student meets the criteria. If a student meets the criteria for four years, they are awarded a sports tie as recognition of their commitment to sport at Blenheim.
Sixth Form Rewards
In addition to gaining House Points, Sixth Form students are rewarded both formally and informally in a number of different ways. Community participation is an integral part of the Blenheim Graduation Certificate, and students are rewarded for their efforts with a Pass, Merit or Distinction. Students are also praised for their attendance, academic effort and progress via termly rewards assemblies, in addition to commendations, postcards home, certificates and letters celebrating success from the Head of Sixth Form.
House Points
Blenheim's ‘House Point’ rewards system is an integral part of ensuring all students fulfil their personal and academic potential by encouraging them to be the best in all that they do.
The House Point System is designed to allow all students to achieve, regardless of their talent or ability to perform highly. House Points are accredited to the individual as well as to the House System and rewards handed out in the same way. Students and parents/carers can see House Points awarded and students' progress by logging into Insight.
Focus Friday – each week students are tasked to earn 3 House Points and 0 Demerits, names are put into a ballot to win a sweet treat on a Friday. Students who do not win a prize, will be awarded a House Point ahead of the new Focus Friday week for their efforts.
At the end of each term, each year group has a celebration assembly where numerous rewards are given. These rewards are based on many different factors including attendance, punctuality and individual achievements as well as the list below.
How do students earn House points?
There are numerous ways to earn House Points both within lessons and through extra-curricular activities;
- Good Attitude / Effort / Behaviour / Contribution
- Good Classwork/Homework
- Form Tutor Only - Good Organisation (Planner/Uniform)
- Excellent Attitude / Effort / Behaviour / Contribution
- Excellent Classwork/Homework
- Excellent Performance in Tri-Weekly
- Excellent work in a specific subject
- Attending an enrichment activity
- Excellent performance in Key Assessment
- Work of an outstanding nature
- Participation in a House Quiz
- Representing the School
- Teacher Postcard
- Participation in a House Event
- Teacher Excellence Award-Certificates
- Leadership Team – Recognition
Typically, students are awarded one House Point at a time but bonus house points awarded each term when students fulfil the following criteria:
- 100% = 25 house points
- 99% = 20 house points
- 98% = 15 house points
- 97% = 10 house points
- 96% = 5 house points
- 1.50 = 35 house points
- 1.75 – 30 house points
- 2.00 = 25 house points
- 2.25 = 20 house points
- 2.50 = 15 house points
- 2.75 = 10 house points
House Point Badges
Each student’s performance is combined and continuously collated and tracked throughout their school year. A student's overall performance is then recognised as reaching either the Bronze, Silver or Gold badge standard. A student should aim to achieve a Bronze badge by the end of term 1, a Silver badge by the end of term 2 and a Gold badge by the end of term 3. When a student achieves each badge standard they will receive certain awards, privileges and incentives.
The House System
House Coordinator - Mr King
Running through the heart of Blenheim High School is its vertically tiered House system. This system comprises of four houses each named after a former Epsom Derby winner and each with their own distinct House colour.
The Houses and House colours are:
Nashwan (1989 winner) | Octavius (1812 winner) | Sinndar (2000 winner) | Tulyar (1952 winner) |
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Every student is placed within one of four houses when they first join the School which really helps to bring different year groups together. They are also constantly reminded of their allegiance by the colour on their school tie and their Tutor Group. Every Tutor Group is allocated one house so all students from that group are gaining points for their house. In years 7 and 8 the second letter of the Tutor Group name is the first letter of their house. For example 7OF is Octavius.
Joining each student, every staff member is also allocated a house which establishes great relationships between all students and staff as they represent a shared identity, something that is hugely evident at Blenheim’s annual Sports Day in the Summer Term.
Throughout the school year, there are numerous House events and competitions whereby students can win points for their House or just support others who are competing. These events create a huge buzz around the school and bring out the competitive side in all. The events can be sporting, such as football and netball competitions, but points are also won throughout the year for commitment to enrichment activities, attitude to learning scores, attendance, quiz results and many more.
The house system also links closely with the school's Reward System whereby pupils can achieve points towards their house totals through amassing individual merits for numerous reasons such as effort in class or demonstrating responsibility and respect.
An indication of which term House Events take place can be found below.
- House Football
- House Netball
- House Socrative Quiz
- House Drama
- Science Week Quiz
- House Poetry Competition
- House Benchball
- House Tag Rugby
- House Maths Challenge
- House Design Challenge
- House MasterChef
- House Music
- Sports Day
- House Rounders
- House FIFA Tournament
- House Dance
- Live House Quiz
- House Creative Writing