
Chair of Trustees: Kate Herbert 
Clerk to the Trustees: Malcolm Bradley

Blenheim High School operates a governance structure with a Full Trustee Board and two standing committees:  

  • Education, Colleagues & Community (ECC) - Chair: Janet Leigh
  • Finance, Audit & Risk (FAR) - Chair: Faye Thorp

Link Trustees:


Safeguarding / Child Protection

Bill Donnelly


James Coote


To be appointed


Mark O’Connell

English, Maths and Science

Janet Leigh

Trustee induction and personal development

Vice-Chair / Clerk

Blenheim High School Trustees / Governors

Name of Trustee / Governor

Type of Governor

Term of Office 

Start date

End date



Member Appointed / Headteacher



James Coote Co-opted 24.03.2023




Member Appointed 29.11.2021 28.11.2025


Member Appointed 17.09.2021 16.09.2025
Janet Leigh Member appointed 11.11.2022


Karen McGuigan Co-opted 10.03.2023 09.03.2027


O'Connell Parent Governor 26.01.2021 25.01.2025
Faye Thorp Member Appointed 07.10.2021 06.10.2025
Rosemary McNamee Co-opted 25.06.2024 24.06.2028
Maria Richardson Member Appointed 14.10.2024 13.10.2028

Administrative Support for the Board:


Rob Williams


Company Secretary



Malcolm Bradley   Clerk to the Trustees    

Trustees who have left in the past 12 months:

Amalia Pateman Member Appointed 18.09.2019 17.09.2023
Dave Stevenson Member Appointed 24.03.2021 31.08.2023
Sandra Balkwill Member Appointed 17.03.2016 31.12.2023
Stuart Secker Member Appointed 09.12.2020 29.03.2024
Maxine Howells Co-opted 15.11.2022 30.04.2024
Rob Mayo Co-opted 10.03.2023 21.05.2024
Markos Papadopolous Parent Governor 26.01.2021 16.07.2024
Christian McBride Co-opted 30.11.2022 05.07.2024

Governors can be contacted through the Clerk of Governors via the school on 01372 745 333 or by email,

Members of the Blenheim High School Academy Trust

As a not-for-profit organisation, the school does not have shareholders.  This level of accountability is fulfilled by the Trust’s Members.

Our Members are:

Vanessa Hackett

Claire Hadcocks

Jean Inwood

Sheila Morrison

James Porter

Members who have left in the past 12 months:

Amelia Pateman

Agendas, Minutes and Board Papers

Agendas, Minutes and Papers for Board Meetings can be made available for inspection at the school or can be emailed on request. Please note that certain documents are classified as confidential and these cannot be released.

Please also note that papers are not automatically available in paper format to minimise our impact on the environment but may be made available in printed form on request. 

Please contact the Clerk to Trustees to make the appropriate arrangements.


Trustees Register of Business Interests

View full Register of Business Interests

Further documentation can be found below under downloads.

Governor Profiles

Governor Profiles

Mr A.A. Bodell 

Headteacher and Member Appointed Trustee

I am proud to be Headteacher at Blenheim High School and have been in post since 2017. Blenheim is my fifth school. The previous four were all co-educational comprehensive schools; three in Surrey and one in Wokingham. 

During my teaching career I have held many positions including teacher of Physical Education, teacher of Science, Head of Year, Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator, Head of Department, Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Head (Curriculum) and Headteacher. 

I am supported in my role as Headteacher by a fantastic Leadership team, all of whom I have appointed. The team is large and has expertise that covers all areas of school life ensuring that well-informed and timely decisions are made and that, where necessary, expedient action is taken. I am optimistic about the future of Blenheim and am relishing the opportunity to continue to develop the academy.

Bill Donnelly 

Member Appointed Trustee

Following a salaried career in HR with two global companies, I developed my own international management consultancy which included creating links between UK and Chinese school leadership staff and pupils.  As one of the original Investor in People assessors I enjoyed the privilege of assessing the Department of Education for the first time, and many schools and national and local government agencies.  More recently, I have established a local not-for-profit CIC company to provide business experience, skills development and employability training for unemployed young adults.  I live locally and my children were all educated at local state schools, as now do my grandchildren including one at Blenheim.  I look forward to helping the school grow even further in performance and breadth of education for ALL of its pupils. 

Kate Herbert

Interim Chair of Trustees and Member Appointed Trustee

I was pleased to join the Blenheim Governing Body in September 2021. I have twenty years’ experience in local government, having had roles in district and unitary councils focusing on effective governance and scrutiny; strategic business planning and policy development;  equalities, diversity and inclusion; partnership working; and organisational transformation and improvement. I currently work for the Local Government Association, the national membership body for local authorities, as the Principal Adviser for councils in London.

I live in Ewell. I have two daughters and my eldest daughter attends Blenheim.

I sit on the Education, Colleagues & Community Committee (ECC), and the Audit & Risk Committee. 

Mark O’Connell

Parent Trustee

I joined the Blenheim Trustee Board in January 2021 as a Parent Trustee.

I have worked in the Insurance world now for over 30 years, serving on various Boards and I hope to bring this experience to governance at Blenheim.

It is undoubtedly an exciting time to be part of the Blenheim team as we strive to maintain the excellent standard of education available to the pupils.

I have a daughter currently at the school and I sit on the Education, Colleagues and Curriculum Committee.

Faye Thorp

Member Appointed Trustee

I work in Financial Services specialising in Compliance and Governance and since my children have started school I have teamed my professional experience and my passion for outstanding education by being a school Trustee.

I have held school governance roles including as a Chair in a Primary setting since 2014 and joined the Blenheim Trustee board in 2021. 

I am a parent to three children and I have a keen interest in SEN and I am very passionate about the drive to ensure that every individual reaches their full potential.

Karen McGuigan 

Co-opted Trustee

I was delighted to be appointed as a Trustee of Blenheim High School in February 2023.  I am an education consultant with a passion for maths and a desire to ensure that education is inclusive, accessible, and enjoyed by all.  

I have a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College and over 20 years’ worth of operational and management experience across a number of industry sectors.  In 2019, I set up my own company to create and deliver a maths programme for students with additional learning needs.  I am also a Trustee of ‘Learn and Thrive’ - a charity that uses digital tools to educate and empower students with Down syndrome.  

I am the parent of three boys, the eldest of whom is at Blenheim.

Maria Richardson

Member Appointed Trustee

As a former solicitor, I spent almost a decade in the commercial litigation team of a top-tier city law firm. I advised clients in the financial services sector on a wide range of disputes, including those resolved at the Court of Appeal through to County Courts, and with alternative dispute resolution.

My more recent experience advocating on behalf of NHS patient groups has focused my energy in the direction of the voluntary sector. Acting as Trustee at Blenheim allows me to apply the transferable skills I have developed in my legal career with my passion for voluntary work, and while exploring my interest in education.

I feel fortunate to have lived in Surrey my whole life and have two daughters who attend a local primary school.

I look forward to collaborating with the Board to make a meaningful difference in the academic, personal, and social development of pupils at Blenheim.

Rosie McNamee

Co-opted Trustee

I am pleased to have joined the Blenheim Governing Body in September 2024. I am a Surrey resident and am passionate about equity in access to good quality education. My career has spanned schools and college outreach, co-ordinating education programmes across the prison estate, and establishing an education and training service for young people experiencing homelessness in South-West London. I currently work in Local Government, managing public sector transformation programmes. I have previously acted as a Trustee for a charity offering music activities in prisons, and this is my first role in School Governance.


Academy status


Our latest annual accounts along with our latest School Improvement Plan can be downloaded below.

Annual Accounts 2024

Annual Accounts 2023

Annual Accounts 2022

Annual Accounts 2021

Annual Accounts 2020

School Improvement Plan 2024-2025

School Improvement Plan 2023-2024

School Improvement Plan 2022-2023

School Improvement Plan 2021-2022


Pupil Premium Information


Employees receiving benefits over £100,000 2019-2024

Benefits Band 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024

£100k - £110k

0 1 1 1 2
£110k - £120k 0 0 0 0 1
£120k - £130k 0 0 0 0 0
£130k - £140k 1 1 0 0 0
£140k - £150k 0 0 1 0 0
£150k - £160k 0 0 0 1 0
£160k - £170k 0 0 0 0 1

The benefits include salary, employers pension contributions, other taxable benefits, and termination payments

There was no union time in 2020/21.


Page Downloads Date  
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-2024 28th Nov 2024 Download
Silver School Mental Health Award