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Sports Day 2024

Posted on: 01/07/2024

The day dawned bright and sunny after a tension inducing rainy Sunday. The PE staff were up and about early in the morning to set up the stadium so it looked its best for the students who arrived in their PE kits for 08:50.

As the students filed into the stadium, the atmosphere started with Mr Raymer playing some excellent tunes as the resident MC. 

As the students filed into the stadium, the atmosphere started with Mr Raymer playing some excellent tunes as the resident MC. The events kicked off with the 1500m which saw amazing participation rates from the students and the first medal winners of the day. 

As sports day progressed, more and more students could be seen with medals draped around their necks and students were congratulating each other’s successes; #TeamBlenheim at its best. 

Not only did the students showcase sporting ability, but they also created a wonderful inclusive atmosphere which encouraged some of our less confident students to fully participate. One student was even supported by most of the English department as he finished his 800m run.

The relay races were the final event which saw the year 10 girls’; Khadeeja; Ella M; Mina and Katie D breaking a relay record by an exceptional 4 seconds! Other record breaking achievements included the year 10 girls’ high jump which was broken by Holly, the year 8 girls’ 1500m by Bella, the year 9 girls’ 1500m by Tilly, the year 9 boys’ 1500m by Archie and the year 10 girls’ 200m by Khadeeja. Congratulations to all the record breakers. 

The Sports Day Year group totals were calculated by the highly efficient Ms Davis and Ms Button. The results were:

  • Year 7 – Sinndar
  • Year 8 – Tulyar
  • Year 9 – Sinndar
  • Year 10 – Tulyar

The overall winner of Sports Day this year was Sinndar. Congratulations to all Sinndar students!

A full list of winners and a selction of images can be found below.

Sports day winners









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