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Celebrations on A level Results Day

Posted on: 15/08/2024

Students at Blenheim High School have achieved fantastic results with a record number of A*s and As in spite of the warning this morning from the Education Secretary that top grades have returned to pre-pandemic levels. Blenheim students attained excellent results with 21% of grades being an A*-A and 75% an A*-C. 

Amongst the successes are Alex who achieved 4 A*, Liliana, Toby and Sam who all achieved 2 A* and an A and Luna who is already in America studying and playing College football after graduating from the Blenheim FC Chelsea Academy. Adam secured an A*, 2 As and a C to study Drama at Exeter, Constantine achieved an A*, 2 As and a B and will study Electronic and Computer Systems at Southampton and Holly achieved 2 Distinction* and a Distinction in her BTEC courses and is enrolling on an Apprenticeship in Sports Coaching with AM Sports Academy.

Blenheim students are moving on to study a wide variety of subjects at University including Occupational Therapy, Comparative Literature, Dental Nursing, Graphic Design and Dance. George, Head Boy will be studying a Masters in Film and TV with Innovation at Bristol. Other post Sixth Form pathways include students progressing to apprenticeship degrees in Policing, the Paramedical field, Manufacturing, Marketing and Sports Rehabilitation with one student moving on to Flight School to become a pilot.

Mr Bodell, Headteacher at Blenheim High School says “This year’s A level results are excellent and both staff and students deserve great credit for their work over many years. Blenheim students will now progress onto a variety of higher education and employment establishments and the diversity of destinations is a delight to see and testament to the aspiration of students and the devotion and skill of staff. We wish all students well for the future and thank parents for their support.”


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