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World Book Day 2024

Posted on: 07/03/2024

Blenheim celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2024 with a variety of activities that

ran all week hosted by the Blenheim Book Club and Blenheim Chronicles Team. Books

encourage, guide, and entertain us; they teach us tough lessons and even hold our hand during

turbulent times. No wonder they are called our best friends for life! Isn’t getting lost in a book one

of the greatest feelings?


World Book Day can change lives through a love of books and shared reading. Our mission here

at Blenheim is to promote reading for pleasure, offering every child and young person the

opportunity to have a book of their own. Reading for pleasure also has social benefits and can

make people feel more connected to the wider community. Reading increases a person’s

understanding of their own identity, improves empathy, and gives them an insight into the world

view of others (The Reading Agency 2015). At Blenheim we want to see more children develop a

life-long habit of reading for pleasure with the improved life chances this brings.


The week began on Monday 4th March where students took part in the UK National Book Token

competition. The winning entrants will receive hundreds of pounds worth of National Book

Tokens for their school and themselves. The overall winner will receive a £10 National Book

Token in their winning design for every child in their class…to spend in a local bookshop!


On Tuesday 5th March, students across the school attended ‘Blind Date with a Book’. Miss

Green’s KS4 Literature Society facilitated a wonderful escape into the unknown territory of

literature and students randomly selected a secret novel to keep. From dystopian to crime, the

possibilities were endless! KS4 Literature Society runs every Wednesday, break 2 in Blake.


Currently the Society is reading “If We Were Villains” by M. L. Rio where tragedy strikes, and one

of the seven friends is found dead. The remaining friends face their greatest acting challenge

yet: convincing the police, and themselves, that they are blameless.


On Wednesday 6th March, students across the school watched an exclusive viewing of “Alice in

Wonderland”. With snacks, popcorn and some ‘Eat Me’ sugar cookies, students were taken down

the rabbit hole into the world of Wonderland. One day Alice slips and finds herself in the magical

world of fantasy and fairy tales. Students were in awe of the visual effects and curious to see

what other creatures Alice might encounter. Did someone mention that they were late? I think

the White Rabbit knows the way...


Throughout the week, students in Year 7 were provided with a free World Book Day book that

were randomly distributed in English lessons. Students were given the opportunity to read, share

ideas and swap texts before writing their own reviews for the Blenheim Chronicles the school ‘s

half termly newspaper.


On Thursday 7th March, Blenheim began World Book Day with our yearly World Book Day House

Quiz, where each tutor group raced to the finish line to win points for their House. Key Stage 3,

Key Stage 5, students from Blenheim Book Club, The Blenheim Chronicles, KS4 Literature Society

and teachers dressed up as their favourite character. Maleficent was patrolling the tennis courts

and Cruella was marching the English corridor looking for Dalmatians for her fur coat; Coraline

had joined us for the day away from her ‘Other Mother’ and everyone was wondering Where

Wally was? Little Red Riding Hood was staying on the path with her basket full of sweet treats with

Russell’s Wilderness Explorer guidance.


Peter Pan was engrossed in the wild Mad Hatter’s tea party with the White Rabbit, leaving his

poor shadow to fend for themselves in wonderland. The hallways became the tumultuous seven

seas as Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook were battling for the cursed treasure, however,

little did they know that the Oompa Loompas were sailing past in their ships made of chocolate

achieving may accolades from every teacher. Mr Bump, Mr Tickle, Mr Small and Mr Messy were

seen creating havoc around the school as Suffragettes were making their way down the MFL

corridor. Pilots and captains took to the playground in an organised formation with the Mario

brothers on hand to keep things in order.


Finally on Friday 8th March, The Blenheim Book Club facilitated a cake sale during both break 1 and 2. It was a great success providing sweet treats for all around the school after an eventful week. All money raised goes towards future English incentives for students. As part of our World Book Day celebration, students in Year 7 and 8 will be attending a Shakespeare workshop looking at Macbeth. Bringing Shakespeare’s words to life, West End in Action will be guiding Key Stage 3 through key moments of the play. Following this, Miss Knight will be taking a selection of students to the Wimbledon Bookfest to meet award winning children’s author and journalist, Tola Okogwu. Students will get a chance to hear from Okogwu as she discusses her World Book Day edition, Onyeka and the Secret Superhero.All in all, it was a fantastic turn out with some fabulous costumes – many home-made!

Thank you to everyone who made an effort and contributed. A massive thank you to everyone at home behind the scenes that helped create such beautiful pieces. Finally, reading is a fundamental skill and has the ability to change lives. You can also visit for brilliant ideas and fun resources to complete at home and with friends.

A massive thank you to students, parents and teachers who have taken part, contributed and supported each event. We are proud to have such enthusiastic and committed students at our school and we hope that the love of reading continues, not just during World Book Day week, but each and every day.

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