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Our new Student Wellbeing Ambassadors
Posted on: 21/04/2021In March, Year 9 students were invited to apply for the role of ‘Well-being Ambassador’ to the new Year 7 cohort arriving in September 2021.
The Well-being Ambassador role is extremely important to help ensure the smooth transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Being part of the student body already, means that Year 9 ambassadors can offer peer to peer support and guidance. Many of Blenheim’s current students can still remember the Wellbeing Ambassadors that helped them settle into life at Blenheim in their first year.
Mrs Barnes was impressed at the quality of the applications and the maturity with which Year 9 candidates conducted themselves in interviews which took place last week. Well done to all those who applied, you were a credit to yourselves and to your Year Group.
On Thursday morning, Blenheim’s sixteen newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors enjoyed a ‘Head’s Breakfast’ in recognition of being chosen to fulfil this role.
Congratulations to Sebastian, Lia, Ella, Alana, Logan, Suzy, Cameron, Charlie, Kieran, Olivia, Lily, Abi, Jessica, Mia-Summer, Mohammad and Chloe.