Extended Project Qualification and Associated Skills
Students will undertake a University style dissertation on a topic of their choice. They will be expected to construct a 5000 word report and compile a reflective log of their 'learning journey'. They will be required to gather a range of research, both primary and secondary and use this to guide their choice of topic and ultimately, their project title.
They will analyse the information and research they have collected and use this to construct a robust argument for or against their project title and their hypotheses. Finally they will evaluate the whole process, state what they have learnt and how they could further extend and improve their work.
Throughout the course, students will be supported through supervision meetings with an experienced member of staff (similar to tutoring at University), although the emphasis will be on independent learning and this is most certainly a student led qualification! Allied to the supervision sessions, students will be taught a range of skills, such as how to use the Harvard Referencing System, which it is hoped will prepare them fully for their future progression.
Course DetailsThe aim of the Project is to encourage intellectual curiosity and consequently, to realise academic outcomes. Students can choose either to further investigate a topic they have already studied at A level or pursue a personal interest in a structured and academic way. The EPQ tests organisational skills, decision-making and ICT skills, and gives students the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the choice and design of the project. It attracts UCAS points and is the equivalent of an AS level. |
Link to course specification |
AssessmentStudents submit a project that can take many formats from an essay or report to a performance or piece of art. Students are assessed not just on the final piece but also on the process gone through to complete it. |
Enrichment opportunitiesThis qualification lends itself to extending student learning well beyond the confines of the classroom. In the past, students have interviewed specialists in a particular field, carried out fieldwork at CERN and in Kenya, and have collected a range of primary data for analysis. |
Student quotes‘I feel that, by completing the EPQ, I have developed a wide range of essential skills, which will be invaluable to me during university and in the future. Time management and organisational skills have been imperative whilst completing the project, and I have been able to pursue an area of interest that I am planning to study at university.’ |
ProgressionAs this course complements all subjects you can go on to literally do anything. The qualification is highly regarded by Universities, as successful completion of the qualification helps to prepare students for the academic and intellectual demands of higher education, as well as future employment. |