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Arete Partnership Team Maths Challenge

Posted on: 20/06/2024

On Thursday 20th June 12 students visited Gordons’ School to take part in a Team Maths Challenge competition. The year 7 team were made up of: Max Grehan, William Darke, Khushi Patel and Amelia Shukle. The year 8 team were made up of: Finaly Burch, Thomas Darke, Grace Bunting and Amy Brown. The year 9 team were made up of: Olli Poyntz, Benjamin Fodor, Mia Ludwig and Riley Schmidt. The Team Challenges are typically aimed at students from Year 8 and 9 from schools and colleges based in the UK. Teams compete against each other in four rounds – The Group, The Crossnumber, The Shuttle and The Relay. Round 1 – Teams work to solve ten questions of varying type and difficulty in the time allowed. Each team must decide their own strategy: whether to work in pairs, individually or as a team.

Blenheim performed particularly well in this. By the end of the round we were in a commanding lead. Round 2 – Crossnumber - Similar to a crossword but with numerical answers. Teams work in pairs, one pair has the across clues and the other pair has the down clues. The pairs work independently to compete the grid using logic and deduction. This was really tough. Apart from the year 9 Blenheim team, our 7 & 8s found this tough. Tables were turned. The commanding lead slipped away and Gordon’s were in the lead. Blenheim had to really turn things around if they were to win. Round 3 – Relay round. Teams split into pairs, with each pair taking it in turns to solve mathematical problems. This round involves lots of movement as well as mathematics: a race against the clock and around the room – with lots of lively activity and excitement. This was nail biting! All teams were hugely engaged and enthusiastic. Lots of walking up and down hoping there answers were correct. Final score Blenheim 228 Gordons’ 231. So close!

A big congratulations to the year 9 team who answered the highest score every round. Also a big thank you to Gordon's for hosting. 


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