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Arete Partnership Year 10 Astronomy Trip

Posted on: 19/06/2024

This week a group of 12 keen Year 10 Scientists attended an Astronomy masterclass at Woking High School, along with two other schools in the Arete partnership. Our year 10 students were excited to attend the two-hour long masterclass where they were introduced to the night-sky, where they were able to recall their knowledge of day and night, eclipses and also learned about the different constellations that appear at different times of the year. They were able to log into a remote telescope, The Liverpool Telescope, a fully robotic astrophysics research telescope, situated in La Palma (Canary Islands). The students were able to request for data from this telescope and then processed the data using a software program to form a colour image of the nebula or galaxy. Students were shown how to save their processed images and were able to take these home and work on them further if they wish to. The students gained first-hand experience of accessing a remote research telescope and produced some quality images from the data. 

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