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Last half term's positive feedback!

Posted on: 07/06/2024

We are proud to regularly receive wonderful feedback from parents, students, visitors to the school and the general public. Below you can find some of the feedback received last half-term.

From parents following the Goodwood Formula 24 Racing Event

”Thank you so much again for the fantastic day that was had yesterday!

Our child thoroughly enjoyed this day and was so very happy and excited to be there with you, Mr Wilkinson and the students from the club and of course getting to drive on the track! 

It was a great experience and such a wonderful thing for them to do, whilst putting their club sessions into good practice. 

Was lovely  to see the different ages of students getting on so well together too, amazing team work and they were all so supportive of each other and encouraging. Thank you so much for the invite and your time yesterday .…”


"Thank you so much again for the fantastic day that was had yesterday!

Our child thoroughly enjoyed this day and was so very happy and excited to be there with you, Mr Wilkinson and the students from the club and of course getting to drive on the track! 

It was a great experience and such a wonderful thing for them to do, whilst putting their club sessions into good practice. 

Was lovely  to see the different ages of students getting on so well together too, amazing team work and they were all so supportive of each other and encouraging. Thank you so much for the invite and your time yesterday .…”


"Dear Mr Wilkinson & Mr Adams, We just wanted to thank you for arranging a brilliant day out at Goodwood.  We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, especially our children (who were elated to be offered the opportunity to drive - I sense you will be seeing our children at STEM from now on!)…”

From parents following the recent Duke of Edinburgh's Award Trips

”Thank you, Miss Patsikas and Mr Raymer, for going the extra mile for the DofE students. Our child will admit that it was not the easiest thing to achieve but the process is so empowering and today was fantastic, up at Buckingham Palace in the sunshine with a bunch of very grounded, resilient and determined young people. You guys made it happen so thank you, you are the best….."

"Thank you so much for the time and dedication you give to taking the students on these weekends and giving them the opportunities to complete the Duke of Edinburgh.  It sounds like the weekend was challenging due to the wet weather but the students had a great time.…”

" Just a quick message to say thank you for giving up another one of your weekends for D of E. Our child has had an amazing time and loved everything about it, shame the weather was so poor!.…”

From a member of the public

”I’m a member of the public who was driving to work this morning when I came across a group of your students (they looked as though they were probably in year 1 or 2).

I flashed my light to let them across the road and every single one of them put their hands up to say thank you, there must have been around 8 students.  It really made me smile.

Can I just say that, in today’s world, I find this really refreshing and it fills me with confidence in the men of the future.  In a world that has changed dramatically since I was a child, it’s really lovely to see that some parents/schools are still bringing up their children full of kindness & politeness, which is now sadly missing in a lot of young people.

So, I just wanted to say well done Blenheim High School; they are setting a very good example to the school and long may it continue….."

From a prospective parent

"Hi, I just want to say thank you so much for my meeting with the Sendco today. I had the most brilliant experience and I loved the conversation. I think you seem to be a brilliant school."

Silver School Mental Health Award