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Macbeth Workshop

Posted on: 27/03/2024

On Monday 25th March and Tuesday 26th March, Year 7 and 8 students were selected to attend a

Shakespeare Workshop with West End in Schools.

During the fast-paced drama sessions students worked closely with a professional actor, Kat,

using theatrical techniques to explore key scenes from Shakespeare’s tragic play, Macbeth. By

putting the text up on its feet and by drawing out the emotions of the characters, the scenes took

on a new life and new meaning. By the end of the workshop, students were excited and engaged,

which in turn led to insightful writing and analysis of the play in the classroom.

Students developed their knowledge of the plot and the characters. Language and quotes were

introduced throughout the session as the students explored key moments and scenes through

movement and performance. Students reinterpreted their understanding of The Witches, Lady

Macbeth and Macbeth, bringing their characteristics to life. You can only gain a basic

understanding of the characters when reading them behind a desk. This workshop helped bring

the action to life.

It was lovely to see students immersed in Shakespeare’s writing in a physical, interactive and

engaging way and we look forward to hosting West End in Schools next academic year.




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