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The Blenheim Chronicles - Festive Edition

Posted on: 16/12/2022

Back again for our festive special, Blenheim Book Club students have remained committed to being part of a community driven by a love for reading. The Student Newspaper is in full swing, meeting each week to bring you the best news from around the school. From Christmas crafts to festivities around the world,

The Blenheim Chronicles will infuse the Christmas spirit from school to home. Please click here to view the Blenheim Chronicles.

Join the Student News Showbie group: M8YK8 to view a digital copy of the latest edition. Copies will be available to view in all tutor bases, English classrooms, the student foyer and online.

A massive congratulations to all students who have participated and we hope you enjoy your festive read.

If you wish to be part of this ever-growing community and become part of a movement that promotes reading in a positive, nurturing environment please contact either Miss Ferguson ( or Miss Biddle (

Blenheim Book Club and The Blenheim Chronicles student newspaper will continue to run every Thursday, break 2 in the library.

View the Festive Edition of the Blenheim Chronicles

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