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Blenheim welcomes back Chris Grayling MP and observes St Georgeâs Day
Posted on: 23/04/2021Earlier today we welcomed Chris Grayling MP to Blenheim. Mr Grayling and myself discussed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the school and its students, with a particular emphasis on mental health. Mr Grayling also enjoyed a tour to observe Blenheim in action and commented how impressed he was with what he saw.
#TeamBlenheim observed St George’s Day today, Friday 23rd April. The usual Union Jack which flies proudly at the front of the school was replaced with the St George’s Flag.
St George's Day in England remembers St George, England's patron saint. The anniversary of his death, which is on April 23, is seen as England's national day. According to legend, he was a soldier in the Roman army who killed a dragon and saved a princess.