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Celebrations at A level and BTEC results day
Posted on: 15/08/2019Blenheim High School students celebrate excellent A level and BTEC results
Blenheim High School is today, celebrating fantastic A level and BTEC results with 71% of grades being A* to C and almost 100% of students passing their exams. The overwhelming majority of students earned their place at their chosen university or targeted destination and both students and teachers alike are delighted.
Among the successes are Finn Coolan and Rosie Marshall who both got A* and two As with Rosie going to study English at York. Konrad Ryushi gained four As and Josie Ames and James Reddy both achieved 3 As. Luke Caldwell achieved the 2 As and a B needed to study Chemistry at UEA. Tom de Whalley has achieved an amazing A*, 2 As and a B and will go on to a Degree Apprenticeship in Civil Engineering with Atkins whilst Olivia King is off to follow a Degree Apprenticeship in engineering and construction at the Murphys Group. Other students will progress to a wide range of Universities including Bath, Durham, Exeter, York, King’s College London, Loughborough, Warwick and Nottingham.
Tony Bodell, Headteacher says “This year’s A level results are a credit to the students and staff who have worked with skill and energy over a number of years. Our Sixth Form’s strong report during the recent Ofsted Inspection is reflected in the achievements of our students and we are delighted. We are very proud to see our students progressing onto a range of pathways including university, degree apprenticeships and employment, which is a credit to the Sixth Form team and the high-quality guidance that has been afforded to each student. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done to all our Sixth Form students and staff.”