Physical Education

Physical Education Curriculum Intent

The belief at Blenheim High School is that Physical Education and school sport contribute to the totality of the educational experience of students. Physical, personal, social, moral, spiritual, cultural and emotional development are enhanced by the movement experiences that make up our broad and balanced Physical Education curriculum. Physical Education provides a range of experiences that form the basis for lifelong sporting and recreational activity which inspires all students to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. 

The program of study provides opportunities for students to become physically confident and develop resilience in a way which supports their health, fitness, mental health and well-being. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. 

Physical Education at Blenheim offers a wide range of team and individual activities through which the department aims to develop a positive attitude towards participation and a high level of performance. Opportunities are available for each and every student to develop physically, socially and emotionally. 

They are encouraged to compete and co-operate with each other, understand and appreciate their own performances and those of others and to respond and interact appropriately when participating in various roles.

There is a natural transition from KS3 to KS4 with courses such as GCSE PE and Health & Fitness offered to further develop students’ practical ability and build on the sporting knowledge learnt in KS3. The academic pathway continues into KS5 with A level Physical Education, BTEC Sport and NCFE Sports Coaching.


  • Sports Hall with indoor Cricket nets.
  • Dance studio.
  • Floodlit astro-turf all weather pitch.
  • Five outdoor Tennis courts.
  • Four outdoor Netball courts.
  • Extensive field space including Chelsea Academy pitch.

Extra-curricular Sports Clubs

Blenheim offers a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs that take place in the mornings, lunch times and after-school. All students are welcome to attend as many clubs as they like. Students' commitment and positive attitude to these clubs are rewarded each year through our ‘Sports Colours’ assemblies where students can achieve certificates, badges, polo shirts and a special sports tie.

There is a comprehensive fixtures list in many different sports and students compete in district, county and national level competitions. Some students also compete at both county and national level in sports such as football, cricket, netball, athletics and martial arts.

A list of all the clubs available is detailed in the Enrichment Section of the website.  Please note that the timings of some clubs may alter due to fixtures and other competitions. For a weekly guide to what clubs and other events are going on please refer to our PE & Sport Bulletin. The results of all fixtures can also be viewed.

General Information

Great Sporting Places to Visit

  • Surrey Sports Park – Great facilities for swimming rock climbing and to go and watch professional teams in a number of different sports!
  • Go Ape – Great team building activity for the whole family involving climbing and swinging through the forest!
  • Wimbledon Tennis Club – Visit the home of tennis and learn about the history of the championships!
  • Snow Dome – Enjoy skiing or snowboarding in real snow all year round!

KS3 Physical Education

Years 7 and 8

Lessons in Key Stage 3 follow a course which emphasises skill development and tactical approaches to a variety of sports as well as developing knowledge and understanding of health & fitness. 

 Activities Studied

Year 7

Year 8







Outdoor & Adventurous Activities












Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby

Table tennis

Table tennis





Invasion games

Invasion games



Striking & fielding

Striking & fielding

Golf Golf

What skills students develop

  • The ability to perform a wide range of sporting techniques and tactics with precision, fluency and control.
  • The ability to make and apply decisions in different sporting situations.
  • Mental determination to succeed and the physical capacity to cope with the demands of different activities.
  • The ability to evaluate performance and suggest areas for improvement.
  • The ability to make informed choices about the types of activity they are suited to and the roles that they can take on.

How students are assessed

Students are taught in their tutor groups and are assessed on a lesson by lesson basis with clear guidance given on how to achieve the expectations for each level. There are three strands of assessment to allow all students to succeed; head (knowledge & understanding), heart (communication) and hands (physical development). Formal assessment lessons are also conducted during the last week of each sport where students are given an attainment level for each activity they study. 

How parents can help

Ask questions about what your child has learnt in Physical Education. Talk to them about the importance of practice and hard work to achieve success. Make sure they have the correct PE kit for every lesson. Encourage them to attend as many different extra-curricular clubs as possible; it will help improve their all-round sporting ability. 

If your child has a passion for an activity take them to a club outside school to receive specialised coaching and meet new people. Advice can be given by the Physical Education department on suitable local clubs in the area. Make sure your child is aware of the importance of exercise and diet for maintaining health. Finally go and play some sport with your child, its great fun!

KS4 Physical Education GCSE and core provision

Core Physical Education Lessons

All students, regardless of whether they select PE as an option subject, will have two lessons per week of Core PE. These lessons give students the opportunity to continue to engage in physical activity over a wide range of different sports. 

Physical Education GCSE

AQA Physical Education GCSE

Full course specification

Link to Personal Learning Checklists

Course Details

GCSE Physical Education is probably the most varied course that can be taken in KS4 meaning that in every single lesson there is something new to learn from the wide world of sport, exercise and health.

There is very strong scientific content and students should be achieving grades 4+ in current Key Assessments in Science if considering this course. It is compulsory for GCSE Physical Education students to be involved in club sports teams or extra-curricular club.

Topics studied include anatomy, detailing how body systems work and how they are affected by exercise, and psychology, covering the effects of motivation, personality, arousal and aggression on sports performance.

Students studying GCSE Physical Education will also gain insight into how to train to improve fitness, the importance of health and nutrition, the impact of media and technology on sport, and social and ethical sporting considerations such as sportsmanship and the use of performance enhancing drugs.

Having such a broad theoretical content means that GCSE Physical Education is an ideal stepping-stone into a wide range of careers concerned with Sport, Fitness and Health. This course is ideal for anyone considering post-16 qualifications in Physical Education, Human Biology, Psychology, Sports Coaching or Fitness.

If students have an interest in sport and exercise and want to know more then this course is ideal. GCSE Physical Education has a significant amount of theoretical content but the course is not wholly assessed by examination performance as the practical performance in sport also counts towards the grade.

How students are assessed


(1.25 hrs)

The human body and movement in physical activity and sport

36% of the qualification


(1.25 hrs)

Socio cultural influences and wellbeing in physical activity and sport

24% of the


Non exam assessment

Practical Performance and analysis and evaluation of performance

40% of the


Additional activities can also be assessed provided the exam board recognise the activity. In previous years this has meant that students who have regularly participated in swimming, cycling, skiing, and golf outside of Blenheim, have been able to use their ability in these activities to count towards their GCSE grade. In order to support the two summative assessments, each topic is evaluated with a formal written assessment in the form of a unit test key assessment. This allows us to monitor a student’s ability in that area of the course. 

The topics studied for the theory exam are:

Applied Anatomy and Physiology

Sports Psychology

Use of Data

Socio-cultural Influences

Movement Analysis

Health Fitness & Wellbeing

Physical Training



Students have 2 hours of homework per week. One hour is spent on a theoretical based task while during the other hour students are expected to participate in extra-curricular sport. All homework tasks are planned to build on the knowledge learnt in lessons and frequently these tasks make use of student iPads.

How parents can help

It is vital that parents actively encourage students to be participating in sports activities both in and outside of school. For the theory side of the courses a simple analogy can be used; ‘practice makes perfect.’ To achieve the best grades, students must use the knowledge gained in theory lessons and be able to apply it. Therefore, please encourage your child to regularly practice the material learned, through discussion and analysis of their own performances in sport, and the performances of others. Just like in sport the more you get your child to practice, the better they will be!

KS4 Health and Fitness NCFE levels 1 and 2

Exam Board

NCFE Level 1-2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness

Link to course specification

Link to Personal Learning Checklists

Course Details

The Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness is designed for learners who want an introduction to health and fitness that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the health and fitness sector or progress onto further study. This qualification is designed to match the rigour and challenge of GCSE study. The qualification is graded at level 1 pass, merit, distinction and level 2 pass, merit, distinction and distinction* (equivalent to GCSE grades 8.5 to 1). The study of health and fitness involves understanding the functions of the body systems, understanding the principles of training, knowing how the body reacts in the short and long-term to fitness activities, how to create and apply lifestyle analysis tools and how to create a fitness programme for a person with specific goals.

The course consists of one unit divided into eight content areas. 

CA1: Structure and function of body systems. 

CA2: Effects of health and fitness activities on the body. 

CA3: Health and Fitness and the components of fitness

CA4: Principles of training. 

CA5: Testing and developing components of fitness.

CA6: Impact of lifestyle on health and fitness.

CA7: Applying health and fitness analysis and setting goals.

CA8: Structure of a health and fitness programme and how to prepare safely. 

What skills students develop

Throughout the course learners will develop skills and knowledge in adapting their own ideas and responding to feedback by evaluating their own work, analysing data and making decisions that are essential for the health and fitness sector, such as evaluation skills, responding to data, independent working, working to deadlines, and efficient use of resources as well as an ability to reflect upon their preferred learning style and identify relevant study skills. Successful completion of this qualification will enable learners to progress to level 2 or 3 qualifications in related subjects. The knowledge and skills gained will provide a secure foundation for learners to progress into career opportunities in the health and fitness sector and provide a valuable platform for further study.

How students are assessed


(1.5 hrs)

Health and Fitness. 

40% of the qualification

Non exam assessment

Portfolio of evidence generated from assessment tasks

60% of the qualification

The qualification is graded at Level 1 Pass/Merit/Distinction Distinction* and Level 2 Pass/Merit/Distinction/Distinction* (equivalent to GCSE grades 8.5-1). Where a learner achieves insufficient marks across the 2 assessments in the series to achieve a level 1 pass they will be awarded an unclassified (U) result. Grade boundaries are set by NCFE using a variety of statistical and judgemental evidence. Each learner’s overall grade is determined by comparing their combined final mark with the grade boundaries for that series.

Student quotes

“This course is ideal if you have an interest in sport and fitness!”

“I have really enjoyed learning about body systems and applying knowledge to my training programme”.

“I like working with clients and helping to improve their health and lifestyle”. 


As well as the potential to assist with Sixth Form sports teams and House events, there is the opportunity to assist with the development of lower school sport by assisting teachers in lessons or with extra-curricular sport.


The qualification is for students who wish to develop their skills and knowledge of sport and fitness, and would assist those who may be thinking of working in the sport and leisure industry. Students could seek employment in the industry directly after achieving the qualification, or could progress onto a multitude of differing university or college courses and then onto employment. Throughout the course you will develop highly transferable skills such as becoming skilled in presentations, report writing, analytical skills, communication skills, excellent time management and experience with both quantitative and qualitative data.

Silver School Mental Health Award